Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Data Visualisation

Data visualisation is what infographics is more commonly known as within science. Its called data visualisation due to the nature of it taking written discoveries and tests and turning them into a visual format that describes the results in a more concise way. Some people argue that data visualisation is different to infographics due to that infographics aims to communicate rather than comparison like data visualisation.

This data visualisation represents the different codes found at the end of web addresses which identifies the country it originates from. They way they chose to visualise it is by placing the code to corresponding country on the map replacing the outline of the world map with alternating size codes. On the full version there is also a key at the bottom that lists the countries and colour codes them with the map. The visualisation turns what could be a boring list into an engaging visual that readers can have fun with.

"The main goal of data visualization is its ability to visualize data, communicating information clearly and effectivelty. It doesn’t mean that data visualization needs to look boring to be functional or extremely sophisticated to look beautiful."

This data visualisation represents fatty molecules dissolved in biological tissue which can render organs transparent and easier to examine. The key part is tagging fluorescent colours to certain cell types which gives a colourful render of brain, coded and ready for identifying. The brain in the diagram above is a mouse brain.

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